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(Comparative research of European, Near Eastern and Armenian Studies)

Since the publication of “GENESIS-AYA” in the year 2000 devoted to the
12000-year-old genealogy of world civilization of all mankind and that of
the Armenians on the Armenian Highland, diverse archeological discoveries,
oriental and other research was not late to confirm the seemingly unbelievable theory.

The first of them were the results of archeological excavations of Göbekli Tepe
(nearby Urfa) ancient settlement, which dates back to the 10th-9th millen. BC,
published in “Bild der wissenschaft’’ German magazine August, 2000.

This was followed by many other various revelations which
also came to confirm and supplement the proposed theory, though,
at times from the first sight, without any association and even with exclusion.

Nevertheless, it is enough to outline several key elements so that those
seeming controversies will be turned up and the facts will be unified around
the theory of GENESIS-AYA.

The present observation is dedicated to one of such fact, which, like
an investigatory catalogue, can be spread to many such circumstances.

        Fortunately, the fact of the Armenian Highland being the cradle of Indo-Europeans is already a widely accepted fact in the scientific world, and the fact of the Near East, to be more precise Sirian-Palestinyan fertile arc(Fertile Crescent),  being the cradle of modern civilization is not disputed by anyone. Here, more definitely at its northern pole(Armenian Mesopotamia),  the “neolith revolution’’ had started in the 10-9th millen. BC, and gradually spread all over the world; in the 9-8th millen. BC to Palestine, in the 8-7th millen. BC to Asia Minor and Caucasus, in the 7-6th millen. BC to Zagros, in the 6-4th millen. BC to Southern Mesopotamia, Balkans and Middle Asia, in the 5th millen. BC to Egypt, in the 4th millen. BC to China, in 4th -3rd millen. BC to Western Europe, and the epicenter of all this, the Tigris and Euphrates riverheads, remained for a long time as the cultural hearth of civilization(where according to the Bible and certain moderns, is the home of the legendary paradise or Paradis-Garden).

        This very reality had disappointed those observers and wide masses who assumed that Europe had been the cradle of civilization for several centuries. Consequently, it is natural that under the conditions of modern globalization the Europeans also sought to find their roots and identity not to look thus much Barbarians as compared with the East.
       Pic.1: Nebra Bronze Sky Disk on the right (Pic.2) with numbered and other bronze symbols.

        Such an occasion was the Bronze ‘’Sky Disk’’ of around 30cm. in diameter being looted by illegal treasure hunters in 1999 from the ancient settlement of Nebra in Eastern Germany, and which appeared in the museum in Halle city since 2001(Pic. 1).  The finding immediately attracted the attention of various specialists and soon was declared the discovery of the century, as the diverse analysis convinced, that the stellar sky with mythological and certain applied meaning is depicted 1 on the disk, and according to the attached artifacts it was dated to 16th century BC, when the natives of that time were mainly perceived as warrior Barbarians. The pride and excitement of the European researchers was immense.

        First, we would like to return to the symbolic content of the disk.. Five main elements are displayed on the disk as we indicated on the right picture(Pic. 2).

        - a).  The first major element on the stellar sky is the Sun (1), obviously neighboring with the half-Moon (2). The Germanic – Scandinavian tribes were convinced Sun worshippers, the material traces of which are spread all over the Europe up to Stonehenge. As in the beliefs of Aryan people, the Sun was considered as the source of life, and the neighboring Moon as the time ruler, certainly for its 4 regular phases.

        - b).  Primarily another crescent element situated at the edge of the disk between those two elements seemed mysterious (3). This mystery, however, was disclosed by the Danish researcher F. Koul, who by comparing that element with his big collection of northern petroglyphs (carvings), arrived at a conclusion that, the inexplicable Crescent Moon is nothing but the mythological raft, by which the Sun supposedly crosses the ultramundane (underworld) waters at nights in order to appear anew in the morning, as the Egyptian Sun God Ra did. However, the mentioned association remains unconfirmed(Pic. 3-5).
Pic.3-5: Sailing Sun God and celestial navigations (Scandinavian petroglyphs).

Pic. 6a-b: Egyptian Sun God RA on the celestial raft.

        - c).  More mysterious was the forth element displayed on the disk right above the solar raft, again between the Son and the Moon
(Pic. 2/4),  which represents a six-petalled group of stars, assembled around the central seventh one. Though, this issue was also settled without great difficulty due to astrologist Wolfhard Schlosser, who recognized it as the group of stars called Pleiades1  in the traditions of Southern peoples(in Armenian-“Bazumk”),  comprised of 11 vivid, but 6-7 more brilliant stars(Pic. 7).  They exist also in the Near East related sources(Pics. 8-10),  as well as in Greek traditions. The Pleiades  appear in the sky in March and disappear in October, this phenomenon our predecessors associated with flora and husbandory, and eventually worshiped as Deities, such as the Sun, the Moon and other celestial bodies. In this certain case the Pleiades  were counted to seven and related to the Moon, certainly for its 4 phases and 28 day turnover, where 7-day week is 4 x 7=28 according to a lunar month calculation. It should be assumed that this circumstance served as a motive to symbolize the Pleiades  with sacred number 7.
    1 In Greek Mythology the seven daughters of Atlas holding the sky and the Oceanid Nymph Pleione, who transformed into stars. According to another source, being pursued by Orion they were first transformed into doves and ascended to the sky then being transformed into stars. In reality the Orion constellation follows the Pleiades star cluster. In the 3th century BC, the eminent poets were allegorically named Pleiades, later the constellations of the prominent personalities, which fact witnessed some very important tradition of its being sanctified in the past.
  Pic. 7. The appearance of the Pleiades star cluster in the sky.
It is visible to the unaided eye and is rather impressive.
Pic.8. The Pleiades in the sailing Sun
(Mesopotamian Seal).
  Pic.9. The Pleiades in the group of Sun Winged
Disk, the Tree of Life and other symbols
(Upper right corner. Mittani Seal).
Pic.10. Pleiades in the neighborhood of cult
goat and The Morning Star (Venus)
(Ishtar-Venera, Mesopotamian Seal).

        - d).  The most complicated puzzle was the fifth element, which was in no way subject to mythological semantic interpretation. Moreover it seemed to be lacking any parallels in Eastern traditions. As some of its previous prototypes had already caused certain doubts that the sky disk can be simply introduced from any Mediterranean culture. Thus, the investigation was primarily directed to the archeological examination of the bronze disk metallic consistence in order to find out its source of origin. The conducted research undoubtedly confirmed that the used material was brought from the most ancient and nearest copper mines of Austrian Alps. This means that the Nebra Sky Disk was an indigenous artifact. So, what did the mysterious fifth element imply?

        This puzzle was again broken by a German astrologist W. Schlosser. It turned out that the arc comprised 82° directed to the Sun (Pic.11),  which was pledged to a phenomenon known in Europe long before, according to which in the highest and the lowest points of the summer and winter solstices the Sun at its setting outlines an arc with a certain angle
2. In the Northern Europe it makes up 90°, in South -70°, and in a narrow belt of Nebra Northern latitude -82°.
     2 Formerly widespread great stone obelisks, menhirs and cromlechs and the erected stone piles were often associated with the stellar sky and celestial bodies, such as Stonehenge in England, Karnak in France and such likes in the East.
  Pic.11. The 82° angle outlined by the Sun
and the fifth element of the Sky Disk.
Its compliance to a certain region is obvious.
Pic.12. Some archeological traces of familiar
Pleiades in Nebra, Northern regions,
Egypt and the Near East.

        This means that the Nebra celestial arc undoubtedly pertains to a local and indigenous craft, even if universally recognized in diverse cultural relations, but in no case was it a ready artifact introduced from some other developed civilization.

        This much was enough for the Research Group to come to a range of outstanding conclusions with the initiative of an archeologist and the Director of Halle Museum H. Meller. First of all it was a reminder of one of the major issues of archeology, that is when and where a man had tried compiling the first celestial map. Secondly, according to them, before 14th century BC in the Near East and particularly in Egypt, the constellations were symbolized by worshipped animals(from here originated the Zodiac Astrologer),  meanwhile on the Nebra Sky Disk it is already depicted in the form of dotted stars(omission, the Mesopotamian seals brought by them were more ancient ...).  Moreover, it is assumed that even if the mentioned elements were familiar to other cultures, here they were represented in combination for the first time. And as far as the Nebra Sky Disk is dated to 16th century BC, which means that it was approximately 200 years before Egypt, so according to them the most important conclusion was made so far.

        So, in the 2-nd millen. BC, the European tribes without having prominent cities and civilization yet, infamous for being warrior barbarians, had a very developed spiritual culture. A circumstance which prompts the consideration of the obscured conceptions about ancient Europeans for the last century, denying the fact of Europe being the homeland of Indo-European civilization, when the fact of the Europeans’ emergence into Europe was confirmed. And with this respect the appearance of only 30cm diameter sized Nebra Disk is specified as a discovery of the century, which fairly prompted the Europeans to be proud of the worthwhile culture of their predecessors.

        With a little reservation, we also consider the discovery in question as a serious event, though it seemed to be in opposition of the GENESIS-AYA theory and even in no way did it imply the ancient culture of the Armenian Highland. Meanwhile just their compatriot Klauz Shmidt the archeologist of Göbekli Tepe ancient settlement proclaimed the Armenian Highland as an ancient cultural epicenter. Hence, now we would strive to bring about those decisive arguments, which are able to turn over the controversies in favor of the GENESIS-AYA theory unification, as we claimed in the preface of this research.

        a.- First we would like to remind that the earlier Moon worshipper Armenians since their adherence to Patriarchy(5th millen. BC)  were famous Sun worshippers, so far that this fact is still reflected in their AR-man  or AR-men  tribal name, as the people or sons, man- man of the Sun God AR-ARA (this was so vivid that previously sacred ara deity name became a casual form of address),  one offspring of which are the following proper names: GER-man  tribal name with its Herman  variation, Erimando  in Italian, Arman  in French or the historical hero of Germans -Latin sounding Armenius,  and in general the characterization as Aryan (“Knaurs Vornamen Buch’’ Germ.Vocabulary of proper names, Munich-1985).  Meanwhile, the Sun God AR-ARA  also had enough offsprings, such as Mesopotamian Erra (see details below),  in Hittite Iarri-Yarri,  in Egyptian RA, Er  the son of Platon’s hero Armenos,  Persian Arash,  Greek Ares,  Slavonic Yarilo  Son God and others. There is no doubt that we are dealing with a phenomenon called “cultural diffusion”, which besides the names anticipates cultural diffusion and variational conjugations and in this peculiar case also the ancient Indo-European attribution.

        b.- The mentioned parallels of Solar Gods’ celestial and ultramundane(underworld)  sailings are quite vivid in relation to the Egyptian God RA  option. Less known are the origins of those generalities, whether they made up by direct contacts(in that case arise such questions as when, where, how? ...)  or via some intermediary culture?. We would try to find out some other ''variations'' to this theme.

        - In Sumerian sources there are recorded notes on death waters called “Aral Canals’’, and in the Epic of Gilgamesh, in order to obtain the epic flower of immortality, the hero crossed the mountains, gorges, rivers and finally accompanied by Urshanabi(compr. ursha-arsha; nabi-navi; in Armenian: Ուրշա-արշա, նաբի-նավի ...)  ferryman crossed the “death waters’’ to reach the two-summit Masu mountain(on the Nisir Summit of which Sumerian-Akkadian Utnapishtim landed after the flood, before Noy ...).  The depiction of the voyage and crossed “arenas’’ indicated a certain geographical area, Armenian Highland, which indeed, should be justified.

        - According to Egyptian mythology(“Tails of Pyramids’’), Iaru-Ialu  paradise field(compr. Greek  “Champs-Élysées’’-paradise)  and the homonymous lake were located on the “Eastern Sky’’, through which each night accompanied by homonymous Iaru-Ialu  ferryman the Sun God Ra  was on the raft, and where “ the territory was detached by canals, the barley was growing in 4 standing height, the wheat in 9, and the earth was abundant and plentiful with drinks and food, and where all the blessed were buried with the deceased Pharaoh’’ ...
     Pic. 13.      a          
b           c                
  Pic.13. Armenian petrogliphs.
   a. A Rafted Deity on the shoulders of worshippers (mount Aragats).
   b. The Rafted Sun (later “morning’’ ideogram) on the head of the Priest? standing near the Lightning-Goat (Geghama Mountains 2nd-1st millen. BC).
   c. The two 7-arrowed disks symbolizing the Sun and the Moon and in comparison with their masculine and feminine deities, like their Scandinavian 4-arrowed parallels (Pic. 4. Syunik, 6-4th millen. BC).

      Pic.14 (on the right): ''Sky raft'', like Scandinavian petroglyphs (Pic. 5) probably with twin Gods (Phiruz, Kobistan, on the western bank of Caspian Sea. Attributed to Megolith).

        We believe, there is no need to assure anyone that we possess the same “ variations of the related theme’’, that the issue is again related to a mythological “paradise’’ site, that Iaru  is associated with the aforementioned Hittite-Mesopotamia Erra-Iarri  nymphical names, and the Egyptian Ra  is associated with the Armenian dying and reviving solar deity AR-ARA.  Fortunately, Armenian petroglyphs still preserve the images of “sky boat”(Pic. 13, a,b,c),  and more accurately are expressed in the near sea-sites(Pic.14),  which also witnesses on the availability of overall prevailing sacred and material ancient traditions.

        It should be noted, that indo-europ. lng. *nau-ship  and indo-europ. lng. *nevo-new  notions are associated with each other(cmpr. Avestian nava-ship and sanskrit na’va-new, Armenian newest),  and come across in biblical Noah (hebrew. Noah)  nymphical name, initiating the start-up for a new epoch like Navasard (Christmas in Armenian) New Year ...

        c.- Let’s pass to the main subject of concern-constellation of Pleiades.  Our authors had come across to their Egyptian and Mesopotamian so called latest samples. How could it possibly be absent in the homeland of wild barley and wheat?, in the cradle of farming, where “barley is growing in 4 standing height and the corn in 9 standing height”.  Indeed, there was, and in such abundance, different combinations and variety, that often made the explorers confuse them ... with celestial 7 stars. Here are brought only some samples of Armenian petroglyphs(Pic. 15-18).
  Pic.15. Pleiades on the horns of “Heavenly
Bull’’. (Small Paytasar, 2nd millen. BC.
See “Genesis-AYA”, page 194).
Pic.10a. Mesopotamia
version (copy).
Pic.16. The same with
ratio 4 x 7=28 of Lunar Wheel
(Geghama Mountains. 2nd millen. BC).
  Pic. 17. Pleiads with twin deities,
one on the ‘’Sky Raft (Small Paytasar).
Pic.18. Constellation around 1 central object, encircled
with 11 stars (Geghama mountains, 3rd -2nd millen. BC).
Pic. 19. “Map of Star Sky” in Sevsar height 6m² petroglyph. In the foreground the
“cluster” of 12 stars is the Zodiac (Vardenis mountains, 3rd -2nd millen. BC).

        If we add to all of the above the thousands-year traditions of Armenian Highland related to the stelar sky, megalith stone obelisks and astronomical constructions(Aghavnatun, Shamiram, or Zorakar, 6th millen. BC, 4 thousand years after Göbekli Tepe, 3.5 thousand years before Stonehenge ...)  and the fact of upmost significance, that here Zodiac-Astrology(see “Genesis-AYA”, page 709-738)  was founded, there comes no doubt of its being the cradle not only for Pleiads,  but for the formation of celestial map in general
(Pic. 19, discovered by Souren Petrosyan, blessed memory founder -member of Eutyun Unity, see “Eutyun AIT chronology”  {} ).

        By this, we could finish our observation and come to basic conclusions, if not for a fact of trivial, at first sight, but in the meantime, a very important circumstance: the symbolic number 7 of Pleiades,  when for ancient Greeks number 5 was considered as more sacred(the 5th letter Epsilon of the Alphabet)  and 5-day week was actual
. Indeed, the divine nature of number 7 was already spread worldwide and anyhow could reach Europe. However, where does it come from and how many other cases does it have?

        Mesopotamian sources cite an alien war and plague deity after aforementioned Erra(Akkadian Irra, Hittite-Iarry-Yarri),  who was the son of the heaven and the earth, characterized as “seven’’(akkadian. “sebettu’’, cmpr. week ...)  or as a master of “seven mights’’. According to another version, he was one of seven sons of Ishkhara3 nympha or a collective whole of them(version: En-mesh-arra, worldly “Holly Master Arra’’ cmpr. Greek. Atlas 7 daughters ...).  As per the other overall versions, as a stellar deity and the deity of kindness he was assimilated with Pleiades.  Erras's  cult temple was situated in the land of Cuthah4
(Arm. Mesopotamia, Cordian world and mountains, where Cuthahs came from ...),  and in another Sumerian Epos Erra  is cited with relation to Huru mountain, which also was situated in Armenian Mesopotamia and in hurrian-khurian-mitannic territory.
     3 Ishkhara –presumerian mother of goddess in the entire Western Asia, Elam – Askhara (compare to. Armenian ASHKHARH, meaning WORLD in English ...), in Ur – Eshkhara, in Ugarit-Ugghara. Symbol - scorpion, sign of zodiac Scorpio ... (see “Genesis-AYA”, page 307-308, 378-380).

According to a legend dated the 11th century BC, Erra takes the power from Marduk, “father of Gods”' by deceit and destructs Babylon, however she eventually repents and stops destructions. This reflects the destruction of Akkadian empire by Cuthahs (mountainous Cuthahs), 23rd
century, BC and the kingdom of their Gudea governor, before the reinforcement of Sumerian domination. In that period of time Gudea made a number of significant cultural and civic changes, particularly, the constructions of Ziggurats. Being cult constructions they also had a celestial significance. According to the views of astronomer Van-der-Verden, there are no datas on the stellar interests of Sumerians. Their early sources provide information about the Babylonian time-period, and 1800-400 yy., BC are distinguished as a “prehistoric era’’, when the entire Babylon was named after the U/Arartu supreme God Haldi -HALDI>CHALDEA ...
  Pic.20. Solar seven-sided
and fire-centre system on three-
ayered earth -as per predecessors
(Bronze tin, Sevan basin,
2nd millen. BC).
Pic.21. The first Sanctuary of Seven Deities in Metsamor.
Not far from the sanctuary, in accord with petroglyphs of telescopic
Small Hillock and astronomical calculations, 2800-2600yy., BC.
from this point the origin of Sirius has been observed,
which that time coincided with Navasard- New Year (August 11).

        Above, we presented Erra  as an offspring of the Armenian solar God AR-ARA.  As a rule, they were referred to dying and reviving deities, spring renaissance time. Meanwhile, there was an association with the wars broken basically in that period resulted in the corpse rotting process(comp. Mars-March for the God of War and old Armenian
 Areg months).  And hence, the association of Erra  with Nergal,  the Deity of Death with the cult centre in the land of Cuthah comes up.

         Here, the Erra’s  solar nature and its association with a sacred number 7 is of significance, which is not only the symbol of Pleiades,  but also the symbol of 7 celestial stars of Sun, Moon and known by then 5 planets(see Pic. 20).  Among them, as leading, was the Sun, especially for Sun worshippers, as it was depicted in the centre of Pleiades  and a number of other constellations. Moreover, specifying Erra  as ‘‘seven’’ hints on its seven-sided collective whole, like Abkhazian Aytar  God of Fertility, seven-might components of which were Amra-Sun and Amza-Moon, like the concept of indivisible ‘‘Trinity’’ introduced in the Christianity later on, or the days of the week, that so far bear the names of homonymous group of Gods. Two sanctuaries devoted to the very seven deities were discovered in Metsamor, in 1965-1966yy.(see Pic. 21).  Not far from that sanctuary, down to the telescopic Small Hillock of the aforementioned platform the famous arm. “Է”
(E)  petroglyph was depicted(Pic. 22),  which was the version of Armenian “Trinity” of Anu (sky)-Enlil (air-wind) - Ea (Haya, cosmic waters)  taken from Sumer-Akkadian epic and embodied in the Armenian heroic epic “Sasna Dzrer (Daredevils of Sasoun) ’’ by Aryutsadzev Mher (Lion Mher) - Sun, Dzenov Hovhan (Voicy Hovhan) – thunderstorm and Tsran Vergo – rainwaters.  Later on Ea-Hayan  becomes also Me -essence-powers master and the chief God of Wisdom in the entire Western Asia, thus occupying the 7th symbolic place of letter E in the Armenian alphabet (unlike the 5th Greek letter epsilon ...),  and only in Armenian church being eternalized as E - Eutyun Supreme(Father) God 5 (see Pic. 22 - 23 ).
    5 At the head entrance to the temple dedicated to Apollo in Delphi the inscription ''know thyself'' and ''E'i'' record is carved, and later, the priest of the same temple Plutarch, devoted his famous work “What does that letter E mean” to the forgotten meaning of it.
  Pic. 22. “Trinity” of Metsamor.
Sky-triangle-cosmic mountain (associate.Anu), to the
right - ” the symbol of four winds” (associate. Enlil),
to the left- ”Է’’(E) ideology (Ea. 3ht millen. BC).
Pic.23. On the triangle cosmic mountain the symbol of Է(E)-
Eutyun supreme God is carved on the head of Holly Mother.
There is a 5000 years old chronology between these two Է(E)-s
(Echmiadzin, Holy Temple altar,1992).

        Another important circumstance, that is worth to be noted: the explorers of the Nebra Sky Disk in the course of their comparative excavations have made associations between outstanding Mesopotamian and Egyptian cultures, ignoring not only the Armenian Highland, but also the entire ancient civilizations. In other words, their cultural explorations cover approximately North-South vertical axis, as described in Pic.12. We just refracted that axis a little to the territory of the Armenian Highland as a civilization pre-centre. However, we could easily be blamed in ethnocentrism, if we failed to mention common cultures found in West-East axis and spread from the same civil epicenter, as described at the beginning of this essay. The famous ”Silky Road’’, passing through the Armenian Highland is a vivid evidence on the existence of that horizontal axis, that in the course of thousand years served as a trading link between the West and Far East(hence, comes the name of the road).  Even nowadays, the issue of restoration of this road as a railway or other route passing through Caucasus is considered. Thus, preservation of the cultural traces couldn’t be absent on this ancient road. Hereinafter, some similar samples are presented(Pic. 24 a,b,c).  These also have been recorded by the Western explorers referring to the cultures of old Indus ancient settlements, particularly, Mohenjo–Daro and Harappa(3rd
-2nd millen. BC).  There exists a convincing evidence on the similarities between the cultures of Western Asia and Mesopotamia. The similarities between those and the cultures of the Armenian Highland are less so 6. However, taking into consideration the absence of the air-ways at the time, the mentioned samples are naturally the best proof of those similarities. Approximately 30 000 similar petroglyphs and more than hundreds of records in different languages, in Assyrian, Kimmerian, later in old Hebrew are calculated. However, in this context, the presented petroglyphs are of significance, as they refer to the celestial sky and are significantly applicable, serving as guides. It is obvious, that these required a certain astronomical knowledge, and their prototypes or symbols are fortunately depicted on the Armenian petroglyphs.
    6  Actually, this fact is scientifically proven in the theory on the Armenian Highland as cradle of Indo-European language family, bearing a continuous character for a new and hot discoveries. Furthermore, the fact that apart from the culture some names like Aratta (Indus Penjap), Arapha-Harappa, Armana-akkad. Kur Mana-Krman have been flitted, gives a point of thinking on the migration of entire ethnic communities here, both in case of Aryans and before them ...
  a b
         Pic. 24 a, b, c – Petroglyphs on ’’Silky Road” (Middle East. 3rd -2nd millen., BC. Identities are more amazing than similarities both with Scandinavian (comp. Pic.3 and Pic. 24b, quartered circle with four embraced bodies, Sun and 4 sides of the world, in parallel with Moon and its four phases) and Armenian petroglyphs (comp. Pic. 13 b-c and Pic. 24 a-c, typical goats and “orned’’- Aryan-sun deities ).
     In reality, there is nothing surprising if we only accept that these sprang off from the same cultural centre and serve for being guided via celestial sky, in the case of Vikings via sea, for trade land travel to Far East. Sceptics, would indeed, doubt, if only the so-called “karakum culture’’ 4th milen. BC, of Middle Asia were not the copy of Mesopotamian culture and the copy of the Armenian Highland culture, in particular. This fact is fortunately fixed by a number of theorists.
     The aforementioned is another exhaustive issue for consideration.

        Here, we can stop and think a bit... where the flying thought of “Ariadne’s thread’’ brought us from the Nebra Sky Disk 30cm in diameter. Now, when the entangled junctions of that puzzle are solved, and in the course of it more or less known episodes of Oriental Studies are automatically disclosed, we can fix the basic points and summarize the panorama of the past.

       -  If the ancient cultural elements are assembled in one geographical territory, geologically, socially, astronomically, mythologically and linguistically reflecting the flora and the fauna, minerals and stellar sky of that location, the described culture is characterized as indegenous and its bearers, in interaction with the neighbors, as natives, even if some of them live in various continents. When they keep living and reproducing on the place, preserving and passing hereditary preculture from generation to generation, this constitutes the basis of the GENSIS-AYA theory. Based on this principle, a rather indistinct circumstances related to this subject of excavation were enlightened, as well as in a number of other circumstances the GENSIS-AYA theory was basically fortified. Here technique of interrelation between ”the part and the whole’’ is laid, irrespective of the start-up point of the calculation.

       -  Nebra Sky Disk is surely a local product without direct interconnections with the advanced civilizations, otherwise, it could hardly be earlier of them. However, Germanic-Scandinavian tribes had brought that astronomical ”sacred prebases” from their historical homeland, from the universal culture and life-experience accumulated in the course of thousands of years in the Armenian Highland. This is the very case, that can explain the fact of dissemination of the same cultures both in Europe and in developing neighboring continents. Confirming the theory of GENSIS-AYA, this true fact does not deny the reality of interactions of “cultural diffusion” and ”convectional circle”.

       -  This archeological incident also gives rise to prove our “non-academic” conviction, that outstanding civilizations and cities are neither cultural sources, nor obligatory preconditions for their creation, like world banks are not gold mines, museums are not that of genius, encyclopedias are not sources of wisdom, “authorities’’ for credit. However, without seeking the sources of origin, they, like “ big rivers”, have always come up on the seekers' way, who have often made the same omission like the one, in the case of our explorers and even in the case of a famous archeologist G. Child. In the persistent search of “Neolithic revolution’’ cradle, he reached up to Northern Mesopotamia, but deliberately did not visit the Armenian Highland, like our authors, leaving in the darkness not only that deserted territory, but the science and the shallow human cognition 7 (Pic.12).

        Whereas, all the masterpieces are created in nebulas and often remain unknown, prior to come-up, and in the “shadow’’ they are brighter than under Fame. Our observations are the best proof of it ...

    7  The discovery of 11-12 000 years Göbekli Tepe came to comfort that prejudice, the theory of Gamkrelidze-Ivanov on Indo-Europian cradle (“Indo-European and the Indo-Europeans”, Tbilisi -1984) already was preparing for it, and the article published in the famous journal “Nature” 27.11.2003 by New-Zelandian explorers R. Grel and K. Atkinson concluded that Armenian is a 8000 years old ancient language and reinforced the GENESIS-AYA theory. However, our episodic observation with that firm and solid bases and documentation, still can give a rise of doubt for so many immature and skeptic ones.

       -  On the same occasion there is a need to enlighten another issue of concern. It is known, that any creative pre-idea can come-up in this or that community (or by an individual), be implemented elsewhere, developed in another place, but be referred to quite another culture, then come back to the place of origin as ... novelty. The civilizations are getting interchanged via that spiral-like “convectional circle’’ , which naturally destroys all the evolutionary traces and sources of origin, especially, when the latter are firstly contented with their prehistoric achievements, then start borrowing ... the same “novelties” or retrospectively get under the influence of sister or successor civilizations.

        Like many others, this is also the case of the old Armenians, who remained self-contented in a lavish and impregnable nature, preserved their traditionally developed spiritual and material culture, and indiscernibly waned not due to degrade, but due to the fact of being surpassed and overshadowed by the competing civilizations 7 (like it is easier to become a champion then to remain one). That was the reason of so many genealogical commotions and speculations patched under the influence of the Old Testimony, and this, even in the case of Khorenatsi, an outstanding historiographer and a sole patriot. Moreover, the Armenian ancient history seems extraordinary and incredible just for the reason, that like the others... it has not been completely disappeared. Whereas, from the view of biology, in each biosystem, first die newly –formed organs, and the last – first-formed ones, or like in Atherosclerosis, when new memories disappear and the old ones are preserved.

        Thus, the international science and global cognition is so subjective, and especially in the platforms and circles concerned.

       -  Meanwhile, if Nebra 30 cm in diameter excavated finding has caused such an exultation and excitement to the self-asserted Germans, so a disappearing nation, having survived a dozen of uncountable losses in the course of the last thousand of years, how much could be comforted by the disclosure of such an ancient and rich cultural inheritance, if only... to be rather civilized like Germans, not to get suffered by presumption, not to be “politely ’’ complexed to escape from its identity and avoid its failures.

        However, these are the results of that historical time of obscurity ...

       -  We still get one basic issue to discuss.

        Each complex case demands the explorations from the top, each a creation time-to-time goes back to its Eidos-preideas, each poet comes back to his first line, each romanticist remembers his first love, each an old man remembers his childhood. And each cosmic finish becomes the beginning of a new vital system before a complete “E-ification” (≈achievement, becoming as E-Essence> super divinity/Father God in Armenian> E-Eutyun), that in Armenian, also means “to be from the beginning’’ and “become like a Father’’.

        This comes from the creation of the world, that principle lays on the basis of Zodiac and dialectic spiral or “convectional circle”. In that way, the global cognition is being developed, and as displayed in the frantic explorations of modern archeology and oriental studies, especially for developed nations and in the case of Nebra “sky disk”, in particular. This is a solid indicator for global maturity and national self-consciousness.

        We also went back to genealogy for self-recognition and self-rehabilitation, for the sake of re-disclosure of early national and global truth. Thus, genealogical, ethnological, ontological and essentialist/E-ological various theories, teachings and certain principles appeared, which were summarized in EUTYUN idea-spiritual system. So, if there exists no ideology without philosophical basis, any expectation for revival, self-rehabilitation and endurance is denied. If only the Armenian viability, potential and immortality will are not completely exhausted. Perhaps, this is the only issue, that is improbable to predict, without ... BEING ...

          That is also the covenant of springs and “eternal come-backs”.
    Moreover, that certainly:
And even more significantly, the inscription on the Delphi temple:

  Alexandre Arordi VARBEDIAN Marcel,  8.10. 2007
6.01. 2008
Pic. 25. Restored Garni Temple, as a monument of self-consciousness
(photo by Arthur A. Varpetyan).
  Translation from Arminian by Annelia Osyan