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(Love and Death)

Essay on Essence-the Theory of E-ism

        Two ontological principles, which are considered to be the key themes in art and literature, which, according to Z.Freud’s definition, are two instincts and stimuli of human activity, and which to us, are also connected to ''paradise'' and ''hell'' zones of brain (in other words, drives of ''pleasure'' and ''suffering'', ''Eutyun'' volume, page 350).

        Actually, their interconnection stems from simple religious notions, passing from ancient mytho-semantic traditions up to the medieval art and the poetry, from the esoteric interpretations up to psychological observations, from philosophical discussions up to the modern cosmology.

        In a word, this is an eternal and one more mysterious theme we covered in a number of our works, particularly in respect to the theory of E-ism. But as it was mentioned the theory of E-ism is a philosophically open system, infinitely expanding and going deep with every new scientific discovery, and after being reinforced by more and firm substantiations opens novel horizons of cognition, meantime interpreting those very scientific discoveries. This essay is another attempt, covering various spheres of cognition and gnoseology.
Pic.1. Tomb Sarcophagus of a Marital Couple
(Ain Ghazal, Northern Jordan, 8 th
millen. BC).

Pic.2. Etruscan Marital Couple Sarcophagus
(Cerveteri, Italy: 6
th century BC).

        The archeological excavations in the tombs in Western Asia, dating back to 8-7
th millen. BC, have discovered monolithic clay sculptures of a man and a woman (Pic.1),  which were later found in the cases of various tombs in Mediterranean Sea, for instance, Etruscan tombs (Pic.2).
   1   EROS – as per Greek Тheogony, daughter of Chaos, Goddess of love (var. teenager), creative principle of nature. THANATOS- son of Nyx –Night (stemming from Chaos); personification and God of Death, a destruction principle, and an aggression originator by Z. Freud.
Pic.3. T-shaped twin columns for worshipping purposes
(Gobekli Tepe, Urfa district, 10
th millen., BC).

Pic.4. Roman twin columns, presumably on the place
of the previous T-shaped ones (Urfa, 1 st century, BC).
Pic.5. Marital graves with ''hatted'' twin
monuments in today’s Urfa.

Pic.6. Tomb
(Odzun, 6
th century AD).

Pic. 7.The Old Man and the Old Woman
of Artsakh (analogical to Sis-Masis).

        Much earlier, in the ancient settlement of Gobekli Tepe, dated 10-9
th millen., BC, the association of male and female principles was symbolized via Latin T-shaped huge stone columns, which also endured in various cultures by the interaction of twin obelisks, and, in the neighboring territories of Gobekli Tepe, particularly in Urfa, by obviously male and female twin tombs, face-to face erected and being dedicated to the deceased couple. The fact of burying them side-to -side suggested their inseparability even after their death, such as ''getting old on one pillow'' or “not to destruct what God unified’’ folk and religious traditions (Pic. 3-7):

        One more noteworthy fact, while observing the aforementioned site, we came across a phenomenon that numerous experienced eyes had missed: there were two-peaked mountains in the neighborhood of a number of ancient sites!!!; like in Çayönü Tepe
(north from Diyarbakir Province, 8 th millen., BC)  or in so many ancient sanctuaries (Latmos, Delphi-Parnassus, Machu-Picchu, Sis-Masis etc.).  It was more than easier to assume, that these relate to the worship of male-female duality and two-peaked Masu-Mashu Mountains cited in Sumer-Akkadian epics long before the Bible. In the peak Nisir of the aforementioned mountains Utnapishtim sheltered after the flood, settled in the neighboring territory and sprang a new life off (like Deucalion on the peak Nis of Parnassus, Noah on Mount Ararat).  All these point out the most ancient, general and widespread tradition, and amongst the original stories Mount Ararat has become primary and emblematic, already with an additional meaning (Gates of the Sun born from and setting into sea’’, the pantheon of ancestors’ souls, divine place, eternity, etc.: Pic. 8-11).
Pic.8 . Two-peaked Mountain in the
neighborhood of Cayonu Tepe.

Pic.9. Sanctuary on the foot of
Mountain Machu-Picchu (Peru).
Pic.10. The raise of Sumerian Utu Sun
God from the of foot of the two-peaked Masu
mountain viewed from the South the
enclosed twin columns symbolize a gate;
and the symbols are the sky and the earth
rd millen. BC.).

Pic.11. Mythological Ararat, Sis-Masis.There was
another Nekh-Masik mountain in the
neighborhood of the sea Van, and in general
Greek-Roman authors called the entire Highland
Masius, and in Armenian Mashtu (Մաշտու)
sacred, Masunk (մասունք) >

        Let's go back to the key content of the related male-female sculptures. As a main theme it has got a purely long-lasting place in the literary sources. A vivid and transparent sample of this is the cuneiform legend, which was found in the library of the former town Assur in 1917. This finding presented the tortures and the death of dying and reviving on the New Year feasts Babylonian God Bel-Marduk inside the MOUNTAIN (
i.e. in the underworld, mythological motif of “the Spirit locked in the mountain/rock’’ , see also the video material on  “The mystery of “E’’  and the monography “Genesis AYA”, page 829-830 ).  However, his beloved Goddess “the connection with whom, even death was powerless to destroy”,  descends to the underworld and resuscitates him, like early Sumer-Akkadian Inanna did for her consort Dumuzid-Tammuzid, Egyptian Isis for the martyr Osiris. Still in the 4 th century St. Jerome, one of the Catholic eminent church fathers, reports on a similar ceremony in Bethlehem devoted to another dying and resurrecting deity Adonis and records parallels with Christ.

        In a word, we have “main theme and numerous variations” being considered in the course of thousands of years, that we come across in the Greek Mythology in case of Orpheus and Eurydice, Beatrice in Dante’s “Divine Comedy’’, “Romeo and Juliet’’ in the tragedy by Shakespeare, as well as in the poetry of Middle Ages by Petrarch for Laura, and in general, prevailing in knightly and present times glorifying songs for “the unique love that overcomes the death”.  And the Great Goethe, whose hero, the doctor, being bored from the sciences, after a dozen of adventures and temptations refinds his beloved Margaret in heaven, finishes his famous masterpiece “Faust’’ with a philosophical and deep epilogue:
... A vain illusion is the
Short life on earth,
Heaven only being the
cradle of dreams.
Here we reach
Our dream; puts us up the
Eternal Feminine.

        This, indeed for men. Whereas, the roles are changed, but the essence remains the same, like in the poem “Parvana’’ by H. Toumanyan, where the glorious princess demands from the brave young men, who desire her love, to bring only the “eternal flame’’;
 the heroes passing in vain from world to world finally transform into butterflies circling around a lamp and burning in the fires of it ...

        All these may be considered solely poetry, if there were not so many attempts to give an esoteric, philosophical and psychological interpretations to the issue. And more importantly, human desire enunciated in the course of the thousands of years, not to mention the power of intuition of our ancestors and the truth proved scientifically.

        So, we have enough basis to search also for biological, physic-chemical and finally cosmological validations for the interconnection between “love and death”,  when according to our ancestors “what was in heaven should be reflected on earth, and vice-versa”;  according to E-ism, the same E-ssences “manifest themselves” with appearance/ phenomenal variations in all spheres of the BEING
(scientific analogy of “lorentzian alterations ’’).  Therefore, let’s first make an effort to underline the cosmological essence of those components separately, then, consider their interconnection.

        Similar attempts were also made in the early past. Apart from intuition, the association and abstraction of natural phenomena serve as a precondition for the formation of often very accurate cosmological ideas and systems. This is also the case with antique cosmology when Eros, goddess of Love stems from disorganized Chaos, as a creative principle in the formation process of Cosmos-Universe. Later, the antique philosophers compared love and friendship with the material attraction; animosity and the hatred with repulsion, that is, per scientific contemporary terminology-with gravitation and anti-gravitation. In a similar analogy, Entropy-atrophy is interrelated with bad and evil moral characterization, anti-entropy -creation, with kind and good. In the same way the biological concept of “love” has left traces in terminology. For instance, Armenian word for LOVE- Ser- “սէր” (
according to H.Atcharyan from indo-européennes (IE)*k’ei-ro-, firstly to lay > “պառկիլ”, then home > “տուն”, family > “ընտանիք” etc )  links with “ser - սեր” ( IE *ke’r-, to give a birth, to nourish, to grow up, Lat. creo - to create );  as well as ser > “սեռ” - nation, tribe, spice, sexuality; seed > “սերմ”, offspring > “սերունդ”, and other related words and concepts.

        Based on the same principle, modern biology, anthropology, bio-sociology, bio-psychology and other related sciences tend to see the prototypes of the behavior of Homo sapiens in bio-organic forms of existence and in their evolution process. Thus, the biological prototype of love is considered the sexuality and the generative principle, with naturally attractive “adornments’’ given to those species (
luxurious “outfit” of male peacocks, the majestic mane of lions, etc.),  demonstration of power, skills, health, “wedding songs and dances”, also the acute strokes of jealousy, the main reasons of which are the instincts for the combining of the best genes, secure prosperity preconditions for the next generation, with the “identity” establishment and longevity through its own descendents. All this, can also be observed in the behavior of the modern human being, indeed, in such a different and spiritual demonstrations, such as love in all aforementioned notions and concepts.

        All these outline the vivid diameter of evolution and its vector-direction, by adding qualities, upgrade from material into spiritual dimension, although by zigzag and back-and-forth fluctuations, as per the theory of “E” ism, within a convectional circulation
(instead of geometrical spire of Dialect).

        Thus, in the prospered countries, females, for their own security and that of their offspring, prefer the social status of their male partners, although, via statistical inquiries the great majority votes for the intellect and spiritual virtues of the desired men, which also has a vectorial meaning, i.e. the tendency of the combination of the best genes, inner world maturing, and “upgrade from quantitative to qualitative”.

        This is not all, yet. Neurophysiologic, psychophysical and related other branches of science have also joined the analysis of love and biological and socio-biological motives and processes of the mutual gravitation between the sexes. These record such physicochemical processes (
generation of dopamine, pheromone, serotonin and adrenalin , bio-energetic and psycho-energetic generations and throw-outs, biological activations, etc.),  that can volcanically rise even from “the first love sight”.

        In a word, certain biological and physicochemical basis is disclosed at the bosom of “poetic” or religious-philosophical definitions of love, alas, still only over secular, material and scientific dimension. However, even this is enough to use the same solid scientific and logical approach for outlining the cosmological embrace of love in respect to Eros-Thanatos.

        First, as an axiom, it should be recorded that love has not only sexual, but also diverse and hierarchic demonstrations: from love towards relatives to love towards homeland
(patriotism),  from the worship of an idea to that of God; namely, transformation from material to supreme spiritual virtues, characterized as “spiritual nourishment”. The next undisputable axiom is the expression of diverse and hierarchical love or attraction between those of different (or not)  genders until sublimation who do not have any more the instinctive desire of generation but strive for elevation and exaltation 2, just like the masterpieces of art, noble ideas or religious inspirations can excite the more or less spiritually mature people.
   2   In an Italian film of M. Bolonini “Handsome Antonio” (1960), the hero having the reputation of Don Juan is in a search of his unique love. However, after falling in love with beautiful Barbara and marrying her, he is unable to perform sexual intercourse, which becomes a reason for social mockery and individual tragedy. The phenomenon is of psychological nature and has various demonstrations, the reason- supreme sublimation of love and the spouse as a live example of ‘’platonic love’’ ...
Pic.12. Kundalin’s male-female
forces meandering upgrade.

Pic.13. Chinese Yin-Yan
consorts in astronomical colors.

Pic.14. Hermes’es cane in
the same context.

        The same principle lies in the notions of Indo – Arian kundalin force, which coming from the so-called lower Muladhara sexual chakra goes up in male-female spire spears reaching the peak of the skull-box, Armenian so-called “home of spirit’’, “mystery home’’ or “spring-source’’, the spiritual seventh chakra Shahasrara and trying to become one with other. According to the esoteric studies the same principle is illustrated through seven underlayers of the spiritual upgrade- “from basic-material layer to super-spiritual-divine or "prototypical'' field”
( i.e. E-ssential or Super-Essence. Pic.12-14 ).

        Famous psychoanalyst K.G. Jung developing the antique, religious and metaphysical notions characterized the female principle as anima-soul, male principle as animus-spirit, thus formulated the four grades of development from female anima into male animus
(without lower material-physical stratifications ).  Therefore, the first grade of anima is biological and instinctive, that gradually outgrows and reverses to male anima- spirit and transforms into supreme Wisdom.

        In a word, love, unlike Thanatos-death-entropy-aggression, is not only creative, but also antientropic principle, and like all else strives for perfection, from material to immaterial- to “platonic love”, which is in perfect harmony with the evolution vector 3.

        Even, from the physical point of view, apart from pure birth-generation, bio-creative mission, the instinctive tendency for overcoming death-entropy via love-antientropy is very natural.

        That implies also a cosmological meaning. Firstly, the outgrowth and reversion of female-biological anima principle into animus-spirit and wisdom, which as per some modern theories expects transitional outgrowth and “evaporation’’ of matter-energy-information;
 E-ification according to the theory of E-ism - ( see “Revelation’’, page 497-558 ).  Secondly, as per the beating model of the Universe and the theory of E-ism, the come-back to the primary Supreme-Essence presumes the reunification of the previously parted male-female principles and the reassembling of the Whole, which in poetry and the social life is expressed as “the unique love that overcomes death”,  as the fusion of lovers into each other and also spiritual fusion, “as unquenchable fire”,  glorifying and eliminating, “seventh heaven”  or as Nirvana bliss 4. In other words, the cosmic pre-program in all its current fermentations is demonstrated in all evolutionary levels, with more and more vivid displays like the life program in DNA molecule first in the mother 's womb, or as solely human or seemingly social features and phenomena; bio-organic forms of life, that are vaguely expressed.
   3   Vector – verbatim ray, guide, from Latin vehere- to take, to lift. The parallels are conducteur-carrier, vehementia- effective power, gothic wih-high, sacred temple, old Persian VahYah-the best, Armenian Veh, Veher (վեհ, վեհեր)- noble, mythical volcanic names Vah and Vahagn….. And the Latin vector is associated with convection and with the “convectional circle’’ adopted in E-ism instead of the dialectical spine….. There is nothing extraordinary if we keep in mind that the etymology includes ancestral world perception and mythological notions.

If in that so-much-desired bliss the over-conscious vision of the expected future is glittering, then the previous subconscious remnants of bio-organic forms of existence in sexual extremes are available.

   5   The same Greek eidos-preidea- prototype-essence philosophical concept (Armenian parallel Swell (այտուցվել)-ballon (ուռչել)-appear (երևալ)), the offspring of which are both idea and also ideal-blissful, as in Armenian the verb “E-ificate” means “to be by nature” and “To become like father”. This etymology also implies the world perception of ancient past, the “Zodiac” of the Universe or the beating model of Universe, the very strictly secular derivative of which is the biblical “dust were you, Become a dust’’ formula ...

        Another question that remains is how the ideal 5 of “unique love that overcomes death”
 has been demonstrated so vividly in our 10-12000-year-old simple and naive ancestors, and becoming just a merely emotional remnant for nowadays, when the human being seems to be more mature and conscious today.

        As per the above-mentioned principle; by gradual displays of prototype-essences, but already, in the “convectional circle”.

        Let’s explain.

        Very often, people use so called figurative expressions like “human childhood or adolescence”. Whereas, here we deal with the genetic parallels of phylogeny ( the entire evolution way of the form of existence ) and ontogeny
( the evolution way of the form of existence during the period of one life ).
Therefore, first of all it’s known, that the main individual features of a human being are displayed from the childhood. And secondly, the love in adolescence is demonstrated with exceptional intensity ( “first love” syndrome 6 ),  then it is gradually cooled in the “convectional circle” of ontogeny, especially “in the conscious life period” and social pragmatism, to be enforced with a new quality starting from 40 year-old “spiritual age” till extinguishing old age, nevertheless always remaining an unreachable ideal, just like the strive for eternity or “the unique love that overcomes death”.  In the aforementioned time period the human being was indeed in “adolescence”, being in strictly pragmatic and “conscious age”, hence the pure physicochemical, biological and social views of love without cosmological implications. However, that’s a current retreat spire from the “convectional circle” with the expectation of the “eternal come-back”.  Thus, ideal love, the basic and the overall E-ification, still remain unreachable due to the spiritual immatureness of the humanity, nevertheless, serving as evolution vectors or “heavenly beacons”.

        From all the aforementioned viewpoints, love and Eros-Thanatos interconnection is in harmony not only with the fundamentals of E-ism
(as in expected, disclosed and established various spheres, numerous novel circumstances ...)  but also with all the dialectical rules - struggle and unity of contrasts, negation of negations, outgrow from quantitative to qualitative,  and with the RULE of REVERSION  introduced in dialectics as per E-ism; the latter gives reversion of death-entropy into love -anti-entropy -eternal life, thus ensuring cosmic eternity.
   6   Syndrome, that pushed young Werther to commit suicide (like often to many teenagers today) in Goethe’s first works, also happened to 56-year old Roman philosopher Lucretius. Whereas, 80-year old Goethe fell in love and was even going to marry 18-year-young lady ...

Inspiring mission of love in the creative and heroic actions is a well known fact. The same is also true in the case of “overcoming of death’’, which demands considerable spiritual-energetic resources and active state of mind.

   8   According to the legend, the wife, madly in love with her deceased husband, has demanded to burn and grind her spouse’s bones, to mix the powder to the perfumes and even to the drinking water. Whereas, Shah Jahan wanted to build the copy of Taj Mahal from black marble for himself, but not being able to do so, ordered to bury him in the same temple to be fused with the blissful after the death in the underworld with the same sacred desire ...
Pic.15. Halicarnassus mausoleum,
Asia Minor (353 y. AD, restoration).

Pic.16. Taj Mahal Temple in India (1630-1652).

        From this point of view, “Christian love” is already viewed as a religious perception of all these and allegorical “cosmological oratorio”, Maria Magdalena as a one current transformation of Eros, Christ as the symbol of “overcoming death”
 and of resurrection. On that path, among many art masterpieces 7, the ancient ancestors’ clay headstones “of the unique love that overcomes death”  also outgrew and presented to the mankind the two of the Seven Wonders of the World - the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus and Taj Mahal temple,  the first as wife’s dedication to her husband Mausolus ( mausolée-from which comes the simple name of mausoleum ),  the second-by Indian Shah Jahan to his beloved wife 8. Are not these enough evidence of the creative principle of materialized love, and this essay as an evidence for the truth of the whole embracing E-ism, even in so many seemingly non-scientific spheres.

        It should be noted that a word acquires its true sense in the sentence, the latter in the paragraph, and the paragraph in all to be said. As per another physical analogy, a piece of the hologram includes the whole picture only with deducting simplicity.

        In the same way, Love even in association with death, in its cosmic embrace is infinitely beautiful, glorifying and gorgeous, which returns the lovers to the nature and subconsciously draws to
… stellar infinity or the abstractedly “seventh heaven” .
  Alexandre Arordi VARPETYAN Marcel, September 30, 2007    
          A few years after this publication, the following story has come across and taken from the aforementioned very usual forum. The case also seems simple and casual, but actually is appropriate for E. Hemingway’s pen and the consideration of outstanding philosophers and psychologists.
        It is fully consistent with our Essay.

        The life itself is the best witness and an excellent novel writer.

        We present it without any changes.
           ... Now, I will tell you something that in my view was a wrong deed, but about a month ago made me believe that a true, unselfish and eternal LOVE really existed.
        Parents of our neighbor lived in the village. They were already old, the wife was sick. 80-year old husband did not allow none of his 5 daughters-in-law to feel the inconvenience of taking care of his sick wife. The morning call from the village informed that grandfather had passed away. It was a real shock, as grandmother was the sick. When they went to the village it turned out that the grandmother ate nothing for 3 days. Grandfather’s question on the reason was the positive answer by the wife on dying. The grandfather fare welled to her promising to wait for her. The whole day people were looking for grandfather….. and found him hanged in the cellar. Next morning, grandmother did not wake up, as well ...
  Marcel, 1.11.2009